Through the bustle you see Him. Anxiety strikes you, yet you try to appear calm. You look around to see if anyone else can see Him and if so, do they seem to be as nervous as you are. Is it getting warm in here? You seem to have begun perspiring a bit. Please, not today. I just wanted to...fill in your action here. He seems to look a bit nervous as well. You can see it in His eyes. This can't be good. Perhaps this exact spot isn't where you need to be standing right now. You struggle to turn in the crowd. "Excuse me. Ex-excuse me, please." That's a good child, polite until death. You don't take your eyes off him. He begins to gaze over the crowd. His lips move methodically as if he were saying the same thing over and over again. Though it isn't English, you recognize it. His facial expression is no longer nervous; perhaps he has found some sort of resolution. He cracks the slightest grin as he looks over the crowd; the chant continues. Suddenly the smile fades as his teeth begin to snarl his brow falls and his eyes gleam as that of an Islamic Warrior. He grabs for the zipper of his worn leather jacket. The jacket is unzipped and falls to the floor. You realize that you do recognize what he is saying; it is now audible.
"ALLAH AKBAR!" he is now yelling. Wait a second. You mean they really say that stuff in real life? Cool! Time stops as this Middle Eastern man stands amongst the crowd in his galabiyya and suicide vest ensemble. Where's the Fashion Police when you really need them? You push with all of your strength now against the hustle. Turn damn it! Turn now or die! The first thing that comes to your mind slips out of your mouth. Well there goes the, "Polite until death," compliment I just gave you. Now if you live through this, remind me to wash your mouth out with soap!" The sound of the explosion is deafening; you feel the sound penetrate through your very being. Still alive! As you regain your wits, screams are all that can be heard. The hearing in your left ear has obviously been tinkered with.
Your spirits begin fall as you surrender to the reality of the current tragedy. Your legs (it seems like everyone else's) are pumping like pistons involuntarily. To your right you see a well built man running alongside you with a little boy in his arms. "Daddy, why did the man blow up?"
So when you hear someone saying, "My name is... (insert popular Arabic/ Middle Eastern name here)," what do lots of Americans think?
"But when I get on a plane - I gotta tell you - if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think - you know - they are identifying them self first and foremost as Muslims. I get worried. I get nervous." - Juan Williams
"Muslims Killed Us On 9/11!" - Bill O'Reilly
Still not convinced? No, my good boy. What exactly is your point? There was even a story on Fox News speaking of a poll conducted that stated 1 in 5 Americans believe President Barrack Obama is Muslim (as if such a finding lowers his potential to be a credible American President).
My point is quite simple. American society through its experience and fear of terrorist attacks has painted a picture that all Muslims and people with Middle Eastern features are suspects.
But wait - I'm Hindu!
Sorry buddy, how 'bout for now you go stand over there with the rest of the Middle Easterners.
Perhaps we should take the time to notice the path of our country's mind set when we have an American Preacher declaring observances such as "International 'Burn a Quran' Day". Terry Jones at one point stated that, "The message," (of burning Qurans as a national observance to the ninth anniversary of 9/11), "we are trying to send is much more important than people being offended." Was his controversial fifteen minutes of fame a bunch of farfetched bull? Or was he simply the only one with enough courage to express a concept that so many Americans had already internalized?
So I guess the question would be, "Do good Muslims feel uncomfortable in our society at all?"
Of course not; this is America for God's sake, the Land of Opportunity. Right?
This is the part in Escaping the Box where your opinion matters. Let's see what it is you have to say about it. Have Muslims in America become second class citizens? I dare you to send this post to a friend and make this conversation a worldwide event. Wait! Better yet, I take that back. I Triple Dog Dare Ya.