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Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Driving Force of This Blog

Of all of the things that I have ever learned from school both prestigious and public, family, mentors, and life experience it was to think on my own that I hold most dear to my heart still today.

Our minds' reasoning capabilities are limitless and beyond even our own comprehension. Though our minds are inherently powerful and agile like the wild stallion, we find ourselves broken, tamed, and under restraint. As we grow from child, to adolescent, and on to adult, we are socially conditioned to not allow our minds to think freely. So many of us fear 'thinking out of the box' due to its association with high risk. With high risk comes the possibility of the greatest rewards, but also great failure. As so many of us stay within the box, we soothe ourselves by conjuring up a false sense of security, as if our chances of survival are now greater as opposed to if we were to think differently.

Social conditioning has made it difficult for us to be honest – even with ourselves. Getting back in touch with who we truly are is a process that will take time. We must undergo a separation from society and a cleansing of the mind. Traditional social concepts would rather you link the idea of mental freedom to being out of touch, a fanatic, naïve or inexperienced. Therefore you relate these notions as if they are a way of life or a necessity. We hold ourselves back from reaching our limitless potential for the sake of normalcy and our fear of being ostracized. Why?
Is life nothing more than a bunch of habitual and dull social interaction only brought to a close by death?

There is nothing on this planet more valuable and irreplaceable than life. Each moment that you are alive must be meaningful and cherished. How do we take it for granted so effortlessly? How can we throw moments away as if we have an infinite amount to spare?

To scrutinize everything that we have learned within our lives (including our own thoughts and beliefs) is difficult and exhausting, but it is necessary if you are in search of finding the whole truth and you hope to escape the box.

Creative thinking is the concept that drives this blog - not converting you for the sake of some ulterior motive; I suppose I might be a bit of a radical but I am far from an extremist. I'm not here to force my ideas upon you until you have no choice but to accept them and agree. For me to want everyone to agree with me in every way would indeed contradict the concept of creative thinking altogether. I only desire for this blog to have encouraged readers to think about things that they hadn't or to think about things differently than they had before. If that has been achieved, then this blog has served its purpose.

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